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Frequently asked questions.

Why wouldn't I just hire a full time copywriter?

The cost of a full-time senior copywriter is about £50k p/a plus benefits, hiring fees, equipment costs, etc.

It takes months to find them, hire them, and get them up to speed—and you may not have enough work to keep them busy at all times.

That's a lot of wasted time you're paying for. All for someone who might not stick around.

With StoreyBoard, you can get senior copywriters with a decade of architectural experience, without the price tag—or the handholding.

What should I look for in a copywriter?

Find someone whose work you like, who you can trust, who has proper processes and the right level of experience. Ideally, find someone you can see yourself working with for a long time, who's responsive, isn't afraid to share ideas, can receive feedback and resolve challenges, and who pushes you to do great work.

Can you help with visual design and branding?

We don't have graphic designers in-house, but we do work with some incredibly talented designers who are well versed in buildings and the built environment. We'd be happy to put you in touch, or invite them onto a project as part of a collaboration.

How involved will I be in the process?

This is a partnership of mutual respect and we want you to be involved as much as you feel comfortable. We work best when we're trusted and can dedicate the necessary time to understand your practice and write authentic stories that connect with people. But we can only do that with your input, so we regularly seek feedback and host check-ins to keep you in updated.